Australia's leading pro-COVID vaccine journalist dies after short battle with turbo brain cancer

Australiens führende Pro-COVID-Impfstoff-Journalistin stirbt nach kurzem Kampf an Turbo-Hirnkrebs


Jane Hansen, Australia's most prominent pro-vaccine journalist and producer of the mainstream documentary "Anti-vaxxers Exposed", has died after being diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer, 18 months ago.

Just three years after she loudly and proudly received multiple vaccinations with the COVID-19 vaccine, Hansen succumbed to brain cancer on Wednesday at her home on Australia's Gold Coast.

Hansen used her platform as a journalist for the Sunday Telegraph to demonize anti-vaccination criticism and even launched a successful campaign to withdraw welfare benefits from parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated.

According to Hansen's article in the Sunday Telegraph, she was particularly proud of her achievement in denying parents and unvaccinated children access to childcare and preschools in Australia.

Claire Harvey, now editorial director of The Australian and former deputy editor of the Sunday Telegraph, described Hansen as "the most passionate journalistic fighter" she has ever known.

"She swore a lot. She got upset a lot. And she laughed a lot - and made me laugh - every time we spoke," she said.

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Quelle : Australia’s Leading Pro-COVID Vaccine Journalist Dies After Short Battle With Turbo Brain Cancer

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